Safe Inject Business What the Swiss know about greed

What the Swiss know about greed

By John Sage developer

The Zurich Axioms are methods to take calculated dangers in investments that settle each time. This 2nd Axiom is on a little quality all of us have: greed.

Let’s get this first part out of the method: while you might wish to believe that individuals are basically “good-hearted,” “generous,” and “generous,” all of us know from experience that’s not always true.
The only thing we can learn about people is that we’re all selfish bastards. Our very first impulse is to look out for number one. This Darwinian instinct for self-preservation isn’t the only thing we act on,obviously. However,we all have that impulse for greed. And often,it’s hard to combat.

When we get it into our heads that the best thing for us is getting increasingly more wealth,to hell with the rest,then we’re self-defeating.
Greed can make us overreach. Ultimately,greed clouds our judgement,specifically when it comes to investing.
The primary step to conquering our greedy impulses is understanding them.

According to our friend,Max Gunther,the developer of the Zurich Axioms,the crucial thing to keep in mind about greed is that it frequently pushes us to take foolish threats. His service?
â? Constantly take your profit prematurely. Know when to fold and take your revenues without trying another hand.

â? Choose in advance what you want from a venture and when you get it,get out.Anticipate booms to end and anticipate them to end earlier than the next man thinks they will.

Speculative Method: Do not keep hanging on,waiting for a magical peak. Rather,anticipate your winning streaks to be short and don’t stretch your luck.

Wish to discover more investment suggestions and techniques from an expert in the field? Follow me on social media @johnsage4 on Facebook and @JohnSageTweets on Twitter. Follow my blog here: John Sage developer

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Step-By-Step Guide On Fixing A Loose Toilet Tank HandleStep-By-Step Guide On Fixing A Loose Toilet Tank Handle

Toilet levers,or handles,are used several times a day; so it is no surprise that they begin to loosen overtime. Although not a serious repair,it is important to remedy a loose toilet lever because it can affect toilet performance and efficiency. Not only is a toilet with poor flushing performance unpleasant and unsanitary,its inefficiency can increase monthly water bills. Fortunately,this is generally an easy fix,and one that you can accomplish all on your own with a few simple adjustments. Continue reading to review a step-by-step guide on tightening a loose toilet tank lever.


The Tools and Materials You Will Need

To tighten up a loose toilet tank handle,you won’t require very many tools or supplies. That is because it is not a very invasive repair. Most likely,you will already have the tools necessary to get the job done. This saves you time by avoiding a trip to the local home improvement store. All you need is your own two hands and an adjustable wrench.



Start by locating the water shut-off valve for the toilet. The supply pipe and handle should be behind the tank. Turn off the water supply to the toilet by rotating the shut-off valve handle clockwise.

Once the shutoff valve is closed,remove the toilet tank lid. Grab both sides and lift upwards. It should not be sealed or connected to the toilet. Place it down slowly on a flat,stable surface so you do not crack or break it.

You will now need to empty the tank of water. Do this by simply flushing the toilet with the handle. It is easier to adjust a loose toilet lever without water in the tank.

Now look for the metal nut that secures the toilet lever to the inside of the tank. This is the nut that has come loose. Standard screws and other threaded hardware are forward threaded,but toilet lever nuts and screws are reverse-threaded with a plastic washer. This helps to prevent loosening overtime.

Use your adjustable wrench to tighten the nut. Do this by grasping the nut with your wrench and turning it clockwise. Continue turning the nut until you begin to feel resistance. Once you feel this resistance,make only a couple more turns until it is difficult to turn any more. Be careful to not overdo it and accidentally crack the tank.

Next,test the lever’s tightness and performance by pressing it as if you were flushing the toilet. If it does not compress well,it is too tight and you will need to loosen it by one or two rotations. Loosen counterclockwise with your wrench.

Finish by turning your water supply to the toilet back on.


When to cut your lossesWhen to cut your losses

By John Sage Melbourne

When it concerns the world of investing,”desert all hope ye who enter here.”
Too dramatic? Maybe. However here’s the important things: one huge mistake that prevents investors from earning a profit is their overly-optimistic sense of hope. Brand-new investors frequently come into this field all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,”hoping” that whatever will just “end up right” if they keep with it.
And that couldn’t be further from the fact.

Hope’s all well and good in stories,but whether it really “works” in real life has been up for argument because basically permanently. In the world of investing,hope is at least an interruption and at worst a big challenge to smart investment practices.
Why? Well,let’s see what Gunther needs to say.

The 3rd Zurich Axiom is: when the ship begins to sink,don’t hope. Dive. The crucial word here is “starts.” Don’t be naive. As quickly as things unexpectedly take a turn for the worst or begin to look bad,bail.
What sinks investors and makes them lose a lot in these kinds of circumstances is this misguided “hope” that ends with them waiting until their investment is entirely underwater to attempt and sell.

There are 3 fundamental concerns that make this 3rd Axiom hard for people to support.

Individuals hesitate that,as quickly as they let go of a sinking investment,it’ll turn around and making big dollars. That’s unusual,it’s safe to presume that it just won’t. Don’t get rid of your opportunity to hop on a lifeboat for that once-in-a-lifetime possibility.

If you’re overly-attached your investment,you might have a tough time accepting that you need to let it go. The clever thing to do is to simply suck it up and make the best choice,or threat losing even more.

Confessing you were wrong
Eat your humble pie. Face the music. Whatever expression you wanna use. Simply don’t let your pride be the factor you don’t offer.
While awaiting a substantial gain,you’ll need to accept great deals of little losses. If you cut your losses,you’ll be safeguarded from larger losses and in much better shape when that big win does occur.

Speculative method: When difficulty reveals itself,do not hope. Sell. Discovering to take losses is essential in any excellent speculative method.
Want to find out more investment tips and techniques from an expert in the field? Follow me on social media @johnsage4 on Facebook and @JohnSageTweets on Twitter. Follow my blog site HERE to get an email when future blog site posts are published.

John Sage Melbourne

Methods To Get Florida Tax ReliefMethods To Get Florida Tax Relief

Florida is a state that enjoys tax relief in many ways and an advantage over its counterparts in other states. The Florida Department of Revenue holds many pre-need special tax situations,which allow tax filers the benefits of lower tax rates on income and property. There are several tax breaks that Florida residents enjoy,including low corporate tax rates,tax credit for home owners,tax relief for active duty military personnel,tax holiday for new home construction and depreciation relief. The most common way to take advantage of tax relief in the state of Florida is through the filing of personal income tax returns.


There are several methods to get Florida tax relief and these include installment agreement,lump sum payment,installment agreement for the total payment of tax debt,etc. For individuals who cannot pay their taxes in full on their own,it is advisable to seek help from the tax professionals and experts. There are tax debt solutions available to meet all your needs. Tax relief comes as a boon to citizens of Florida who have accumulated huge tax debt and have not been able to make payments. These solutions are offered by several finance companies and organizations and there are also volunteers who offer free financial advice to those who need it.


For taxpayers facing a levy,it is important to hire a qualified and experienced tax professional who can guide you through the process. It may be difficult for a layman to understand all the legal terms and complicated procedures involved in the state levy but a tax professional can explain all the required details to get you out of the liability. A professional can also negotiate with the state government for your tax debt relief. Florida levy attorneys can handle cases involving property levies and complex divorce and marital settlement cases. If you are looking for services for getting out of liability or tax debt,choose a reputable Florida tax attorney.
